Monday, August 23, 2021

Start of something new...


August 23 , 2021 / Aulwen Chiel F. Dizon

Today is my first day attending this subject.

I woke up at 9:00am since the class will start at 10:00am. I had my breakfast and prepared myself. I joined the call at 9:50am, there were 5 people in the call with me. We talked to each other while waiting for our teacher, it was 10:10am and the teacher joined saying the class for the morning was asynchronous meaning we don't have to be present online.

Afternoon class started, there were 30 people in the call including me. The teacher introduced herself and asked us to introduce ourselves too. After every introduction, our teacher asked us questions which felt nice since it showed that she was listening to us. She then started the discussion about the class syllabus. She lectured us about the subject details including expected learning outcomes,  course outline, course requirements and the grading system.

Brief timeline
We moved on to the next lesson which is the "History of computers". The teacher talked about how computers evolved from being a large computer like a whole room to pocket size devices. It was really fun listening to a subject I'm interested in, she also actively asked the class if they understood the slide and won't go next unless the class answered. She then talked about inventors on different timelines, which she asked someone from the class to read it. I raised my hand in one of them and I managed to read it clear and concise.

The class was really fun, although my classmates are quiet. It was understandable considering it was our first day of class. The class was interesting as I thought it would be, though I'm still shy about my classmates and still doubts whether to raise my hand and try to answer the question. My teacher also told us to open our camera to take a picture of us, I smiled, even when I was nervous and shy cause I don't want to miss anything in college. You can only be a college student once, might as well enjoy every bit.

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