Tuesday, December 7, 2021



        Sports are fun, they give entertainment at the same time, they let people bond with each other. As a kid, I tried a lot of different sports, from table games to field games. From all the sports I've played, there was only one that I laid interest in, and that is table tennis.

        Table tennis is a game you play on a table and hit the ball to the opponent's side using the paddle. This sport entertained me for some time, I played with my cousins, family, and other players in school. I participated a sport festival in this sport during my senior high school years and won gold in doubles.
        Sports are fun if you found the right one for you, we all have our different abilities and type of entertainment. Just like me, I've only realized how fun sports are after only experiencing and practicing a certain sport. It's fun if you win, it feels bad if you lose, however the moment while you're playing is a precious feeling you would want to experience.

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