Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Database Management System


DBMS: Database Management System

                                    DBMS( Database Management System) is a software tool that gives the users the benefits to handle data easily. It allows the users to control and interact with the data with ease. This software also allows users to recover their data, it has a feature that will help users to restore their lost information. DBMS also allows users to work on their database without interference from other users.

    Advantages of DBMS

    *Increased data security- DBMS secures our data so that it wouldn't be vulnerable.

    *Data integration- DBMS allows different users to operate on one entity without any problems.

    *Data recovery- DBMS allows the users to recover their lost data easily.

    Disadvantages of DBMS

    *High Cost- DBMS requires huge memory size to use the database, sometimes it requires a high-speed processor.

    *Complexity- DBMS is quite hard to learn. It wouldn't be easy for new-learners to fully utilize the application from the start.

    *Performance- DBMS performs slow at times. It is generally good for some applications however it isn't the same to all, as such, some applications may not run due to bad performance.

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