Thursday, September 23, 2021



   After software, we started talking about computer. We talked about its parts and components including the computer system. I'll be answering questions given by our teacher in this subject below.

A. If you will become a computer parts/gadgets or any ICT tools, what will you be and why?
            If I'll be a computer part, I would be a "motherboard". Why? Motherboard holds everything together, it doesn't do any hard processing but it does let others communicate to each other easily. Even though CPU, Ram and other processing devices are important, they wouldn't work without the motherboard.

B. What is the use of computer in your day to day activity?
            Computer is pretty much used in my everyday activity, it has now become an important asset to my life. I use computers for doing homework, creating power point presentations and doing word files made my tasks easier. I also use my computer for playing games, if I have free time, I'll use it to play online games and talk with my friends in a social platform. I listen to music through computer and I watch shows through it too. Even this blog, this is made through a computer. My day to day use of computer helps me cope up with stress by having features like listening to music, playing games, watching shows, creating files, scrolling through news and much more.

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