Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Personal Development


            We all have our different ways of developing our own person. For me, it's all about experience. Since I was a kid, I am a curious person, cause of that attitude I have looked into a lot of stuff, where I developed an interest in. This includes me realizing what my dream is, and what I want to do in my life. The time I realized that is the time where I started thinking differently about life. I have dreams and ambitions, what I wanted to be and where do I wanna go.

            The television has greatly influenced my decision and my growth. There are shows that caught my interest and that has given me a push to follow my dream. I want to go to another country, where the shows I greatly admire is born. I want to go to Japan.

            From then on realizing my dream, I started to take my life seriously, I started thinking that I cannot have a future where I'm not successful, where I cannot reach the dream I want. My own self have matured, I do not want any unneeded problems to encounter while trying to pursue my dreams, that's why I started being helpful. My dream is one of the reason as to why I keep on improving myself.

            However, after thinking about a lot of things, I thought to myself, what if I achieved my dream but my family is not there. I started contemplating and sorting out my priorities, I encountered family problems that made me stronger. I encountered experiences that made me braver, and that helped me pursue my dream again, however this time, in my dream I want my family to be there. My old selfish dream is no longer present, one of my main dream now is to make my family happy. 

Social Media

 Social Media

    We all have a persona in social media, sometimes far f rom what we are in person. I always use social media to pass time and to converse with other people. The most used social media app I use is "Discord".

        Discord is my most used social media app as it has much more features compared to others. In this application, I am much more talkative and more expressive compared to I am in real life. Social Media changes my personality, it let me be different than who I am in person. Discord helped me get through tough times, having a conversation with a stranger sounds bad but if it's in social media applications, it's really fun. There are times where I get too attached in discord and expresses myself too much, but whenever I do, I always remind to myself that my life doesn't revolve there.

        Social Media isn't your whole life, it's a way of improving and expanding your horizon. It is a way of connecting to other people but it's also a way to run away from things you cannot handle yet in person. For me, Discord helped me improve my communicating skills and helped me gain confidence. This experience is something that I hold dear in my life, Social Media is not dangerous if you are in an environment that supports or helps you, around people who lift you up and who are fun to be with.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021



        Sports are fun, they give entertainment at the same time, they let people bond with each other. As a kid, I tried a lot of different sports, from table games to field games. From all the sports I've played, there was only one that I laid interest in, and that is table tennis.

        Table tennis is a game you play on a table and hit the ball to the opponent's side using the paddle. This sport entertained me for some time, I played with my cousins, family, and other players in school. I participated a sport festival in this sport during my senior high school years and won gold in doubles.
        Sports are fun if you found the right one for you, we all have our different abilities and type of entertainment. Just like me, I've only realized how fun sports are after only experiencing and practicing a certain sport. It's fun if you win, it feels bad if you lose, however the moment while you're playing is a precious feeling you would want to experience.



       Technology has been a big part in my daily life. From the time I wake up up until the I go to sleep, technology has been following me. One of the most used technologies in my life is my cellphone.

        A cellphone can tell you the time, send and receive messages, and a whole lot more. This device makes my daily life easier, and makes it entertaining. This isn't the only technology present in my house, Television, Microwave, Laptop, devices that has its own uses and benefits. Television as a device for watching entertaining, educational, and for time wasting videos. Microwave helps me heats up my food, I use this more than the television since I eat a lot. I use my laptop for my online class and for general things.

           Technologies are important things that I need to ease my life, however I don't let them eat up my precious time. It's an important thing to not get consumed by technologies, I always have the time for my family even with these technologies, do not let yourself get consumed by them.