Wednesday, May 25, 2022


XML is a markup language that programmers use to build format and store data. XML is quite similar to HTML but the tags you use are different. In html, you use predefined tags however in XML you use your own defined tags. XML elements must have a closing tag and must always be quoted.

XML tools would not process files with an error but will give you an error message for you to fix them.

 JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a standard text-based format for representing structured data. This uses human-readable text to store and send data objects. It is derived from JavaScript and is a language-independent data format. JSON is useful when you want to transmit data across a network. To access these data, you would need to convert it to a native JavaScript object which is not that hard to do.

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML or also known as AJAX containts a set of techniques that helps in web development. There are a lot of features AJAX have that contributes a lot in web building, for example, this updates a web page without reloading the page. This helps the programmer to become efficient and effective.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

What is SQL


                              SQL stands for Standard Query Language, it is developed by ISO/IEC. SQL is a coding language used to communicate with your databases. The statements in this language are used to perform different kind of functions inside the database. SQL has different type of commands, for example, select, drop, update, create and a lot more. With these commands, there are a lot of things you can do inside the database. Update and modify your records, Set permissions, create tables for your database, There are lots of things to do with SQL thus learning this is an essential if you will work on a database.

Monday, March 28, 2022



            SQL is a programming language that is used to manage database and perform operations on them.

    A. Data Definition Language:
                Data definition language is a language that is used to modify the structure of the objects in the database. With this language, you could create a structure of your database objects in a database, including views, index tables.

    B. Interactive Data Manipulation Language
                This language allows the user to insert, delete and retrieve data in a table. With this language, you will be able to modify and data into a table in your database.

    C. Embedded Data Manipulation Language
                The embedded form of DML is used so commands and statements from the SQL are combined into program language using another programming language.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Database Management System


DBMS: Database Management System

                                    DBMS( Database Management System) is a software tool that gives the users the benefits to handle data easily. It allows the users to control and interact with the data with ease. This software also allows users to recover their data, it has a feature that will help users to restore their lost information. DBMS also allows users to work on their database without interference from other users.

    Advantages of DBMS

    *Increased data security- DBMS secures our data so that it wouldn't be vulnerable.

    *Data integration- DBMS allows different users to operate on one entity without any problems.

    *Data recovery- DBMS allows the users to recover their lost data easily.

    Disadvantages of DBMS

    *High Cost- DBMS requires huge memory size to use the database, sometimes it requires a high-speed processor.

    *Complexity- DBMS is quite hard to learn. It wouldn't be easy for new-learners to fully utilize the application from the start.

    *Performance- DBMS performs slow at times. It is generally good for some applications however it isn't the same to all, as such, some applications may not run due to bad performance.

Thursday, March 3, 2022


What is Database?
            Database refers to a collection of related information that is organized in a way that you can easily access, manage and update. Database allows you to store data, in addition, you can summarize and extract the collected data.

What type of software is Microsoft office Excel?
                Excel is a type of spreadsheet software program that is used to manage numerical functions. The data in excel are stored in spaces called cells. It is capable of calculation and large computation, you can add charts, tables, graphing tools in this software. It allows the user to organize, format and compute data from the cells of the program.

What type of software is Microsoft office Access?
                Access is a database management system program, where tables are linked and connected. It uses unique ID to easily find and access the information. You use access to store details on large amount of items. This program keeps them organized, link and extract information from a lot of data.

Differences between Excel and Access

                Excel and Access are both used in organizing and managing data. Excel is used to perform mathematical equation and financial calculations, while Access is used for storing large amount of data. Access is hard to learn, meanwhile Excel can be learned easily. Both of these store data, however Access has a larger amount of storage capacity compared to excel.

Monday, February 14, 2022


Information Management is a subject in my class that is schedules at Wednesday and Thursday. The first class experience I had was nice.

The teacher of this class is someone we already knew, that's why we easily adapted to the subject. My classmates are also the same as last semester so we didn't take any time to do any introductions.

        The first thing we did was discuss about the class syllabus. The teacher told us about what we will learn and should expect from this semester. We talked about the things that would be included and activities to do, the grading system was also discussed. 

        Our first lesson was all about database and the parts included in it. Database is the collection of raw data and then processing it into information. Database helps in sorting out collected information, they help in management and updating things. This also helps people by giving them easier access to data and information. This topic was discussed throughout the class that we had, since it's the same teacher, we experienced the same teaching method from the last semester. Overall it was a fun experience, it feels like we just continued our lesson from the last time.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Personal Development


            We all have our different ways of developing our own person. For me, it's all about experience. Since I was a kid, I am a curious person, cause of that attitude I have looked into a lot of stuff, where I developed an interest in. This includes me realizing what my dream is, and what I want to do in my life. The time I realized that is the time where I started thinking differently about life. I have dreams and ambitions, what I wanted to be and where do I wanna go.

            The television has greatly influenced my decision and my growth. There are shows that caught my interest and that has given me a push to follow my dream. I want to go to another country, where the shows I greatly admire is born. I want to go to Japan.

            From then on realizing my dream, I started to take my life seriously, I started thinking that I cannot have a future where I'm not successful, where I cannot reach the dream I want. My own self have matured, I do not want any unneeded problems to encounter while trying to pursue my dreams, that's why I started being helpful. My dream is one of the reason as to why I keep on improving myself.

            However, after thinking about a lot of things, I thought to myself, what if I achieved my dream but my family is not there. I started contemplating and sorting out my priorities, I encountered family problems that made me stronger. I encountered experiences that made me braver, and that helped me pursue my dream again, however this time, in my dream I want my family to be there. My old selfish dream is no longer present, one of my main dream now is to make my family happy. 

Social Media

 Social Media

    We all have a persona in social media, sometimes far f rom what we are in person. I always use social media to pass time and to converse with other people. The most used social media app I use is "Discord".

        Discord is my most used social media app as it has much more features compared to others. In this application, I am much more talkative and more expressive compared to I am in real life. Social Media changes my personality, it let me be different than who I am in person. Discord helped me get through tough times, having a conversation with a stranger sounds bad but if it's in social media applications, it's really fun. There are times where I get too attached in discord and expresses myself too much, but whenever I do, I always remind to myself that my life doesn't revolve there.

        Social Media isn't your whole life, it's a way of improving and expanding your horizon. It is a way of connecting to other people but it's also a way to run away from things you cannot handle yet in person. For me, Discord helped me improve my communicating skills and helped me gain confidence. This experience is something that I hold dear in my life, Social Media is not dangerous if you are in an environment that supports or helps you, around people who lift you up and who are fun to be with.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021



        Sports are fun, they give entertainment at the same time, they let people bond with each other. As a kid, I tried a lot of different sports, from table games to field games. From all the sports I've played, there was only one that I laid interest in, and that is table tennis.

        Table tennis is a game you play on a table and hit the ball to the opponent's side using the paddle. This sport entertained me for some time, I played with my cousins, family, and other players in school. I participated a sport festival in this sport during my senior high school years and won gold in doubles.
        Sports are fun if you found the right one for you, we all have our different abilities and type of entertainment. Just like me, I've only realized how fun sports are after only experiencing and practicing a certain sport. It's fun if you win, it feels bad if you lose, however the moment while you're playing is a precious feeling you would want to experience.



       Technology has been a big part in my daily life. From the time I wake up up until the I go to sleep, technology has been following me. One of the most used technologies in my life is my cellphone.

        A cellphone can tell you the time, send and receive messages, and a whole lot more. This device makes my daily life easier, and makes it entertaining. This isn't the only technology present in my house, Television, Microwave, Laptop, devices that has its own uses and benefits. Television as a device for watching entertaining, educational, and for time wasting videos. Microwave helps me heats up my food, I use this more than the television since I eat a lot. I use my laptop for my online class and for general things.

           Technologies are important things that I need to ease my life, however I don't let them eat up my precious time. It's an important thing to not get consumed by technologies, I always have the time for my family even with these technologies, do not let yourself get consumed by them. 

Thursday, September 23, 2021



   After software, we started talking about computer. We talked about its parts and components including the computer system. I'll be answering questions given by our teacher in this subject below.

A. If you will become a computer parts/gadgets or any ICT tools, what will you be and why?
            If I'll be a computer part, I would be a "motherboard". Why? Motherboard holds everything together, it doesn't do any hard processing but it does let others communicate to each other easily. Even though CPU, Ram and other processing devices are important, they wouldn't work without the motherboard.

B. What is the use of computer in your day to day activity?
            Computer is pretty much used in my everyday activity, it has now become an important asset to my life. I use computers for doing homework, creating power point presentations and doing word files made my tasks easier. I also use my computer for playing games, if I have free time, I'll use it to play online games and talk with my friends in a social platform. I listen to music through computer and I watch shows through it too. Even this blog, this is made through a computer. My day to day use of computer helps me cope up with stress by having features like listening to music, playing games, watching shows, creating files, scrolling through news and much more.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Software Activity

After our first meeting, our teacher left us some activities to do, and it's all about software. I'm about to discuss topics relating to software and I will answer the questions included in the activity through this blog.

Software license

    Software license is a document that provides legally binding guidelines for the use and distribution of software. Software licenses typically provide end users with the right to one or more copies of the software without violating copyrights.

What are the two Categories of Software Licenses?

   Free and Open Source Software licenses

            Open source licenses are licenses that comply with the Open Source Definition — in brief, they allow software to be freely used, modified, and shared. In other words, open source licenses are legal and binding contracts between the author and the user of a software component, declaring that the software can be used in commercial applications under specified conditions.

   Proprietary licenses

            Closed source software (also known as proprietary software), the public is not given access to the source code, so they can’t see or modify it in any way. In this software, the source code is not shared with the public for anyone to look at or change

What is Installer?

    An installer is a piece of software used to install software programs on a system. Installers simplify software installation by providing the user a step-by-step process with the ability to select the desired options. It is a package with installation information for a particular program and can be extracted using a file decompression tool.

What are the types of Installations?

  • Attended Installation
              Someone is required to interact with the computer while it executes the installation process.
  • Silent Installation
              A silent install is the installation of a software program that requires no user interaction.
  • Un-attended Installation
             An unattended installation either does not require the user to supply anything or has received all necessary input prior to the start of installation.
  • Headless Installation
             Headless software is software capable of working on a device without a graphical user interface.
  • Scheduled or Automated Installation
             An installation process that runs on a preset time or when a predefined condition transpires, as opposed to an installation process that starts explicitly on a user's command.
  • Clean Installation
             A clean installation is one that is done in the absence of any interfering elements such as old versions of the computer program being installed or leftovers from a previous installation. 
  • Network Installation
             Installation of a program from a shared network resource that may be done by installing a minimal system before proceeding to download further packages over the network.

What is Bootstrapper

            A bootstrap program is the first code that is executed when the computer system is started. The entire operating system depends on the bootstrap program to work correctly as it loads the operating system. The bootstrapping process does not require any outside input to start. Any software can be loaded as required by the operating system rather than loading all the software automatically.

            The booting procedure starts with the hardware procedures and then continues onto the software procedures that are stored in the main memory. The bootstrapping process involves self-tests, loading BIOS, configuration settings, hypervisor, operating system etc.

What is mobile operating system

A mobile operating system (OS) is software that allows smartphones, tablet PCs (personal computers) and other devices to run applications and programs. A mobile OS typically starts up when a device powers on, presenting a screen with icons or tiles that present information and provide application access.

What are the types of mobile operating system?

    Android OS

       The Android OS is the most common operating system among the mobile operating system. Furthermore, Google is the developer of Android. Moreover, it is an open source and free operating system. This OS is based on the Linux kernel. The name for every new version of update is based on ‘desserts’ for example Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Oreo, Kitkat, etc.

    Apple iOS

        After android, it is one of the most popular OS. It is designed to run on Apple devices such as iPhones, iPad tablets, etc. Moreover, like the android devices have the playstore for apps download. Likewise, apple iOS contains the app store. Also, it has very strong security features.

    Blackberry OS

        The developer of this operating system is Research In Motion (RIM). It was specifically designed for blackberry devices. Furthermore, it is useful for corporate users.

Thank you for reading!

Monday, August 23, 2021

Start of something new...


August 23 , 2021 / Aulwen Chiel F. Dizon

Today is my first day attending this subject.

I woke up at 9:00am since the class will start at 10:00am. I had my breakfast and prepared myself. I joined the call at 9:50am, there were 5 people in the call with me. We talked to each other while waiting for our teacher, it was 10:10am and the teacher joined saying the class for the morning was asynchronous meaning we don't have to be present online.

Afternoon class started, there were 30 people in the call including me. The teacher introduced herself and asked us to introduce ourselves too. After every introduction, our teacher asked us questions which felt nice since it showed that she was listening to us. She then started the discussion about the class syllabus. She lectured us about the subject details including expected learning outcomes,  course outline, course requirements and the grading system.

Brief timeline
We moved on to the next lesson which is the "History of computers". The teacher talked about how computers evolved from being a large computer like a whole room to pocket size devices. It was really fun listening to a subject I'm interested in, she also actively asked the class if they understood the slide and won't go next unless the class answered. She then talked about inventors on different timelines, which she asked someone from the class to read it. I raised my hand in one of them and I managed to read it clear and concise.

The class was really fun, although my classmates are quiet. It was understandable considering it was our first day of class. The class was interesting as I thought it would be, though I'm still shy about my classmates and still doubts whether to raise my hand and try to answer the question. My teacher also told us to open our camera to take a picture of us, I smiled, even when I was nervous and shy cause I don't want to miss anything in college. You can only be a college student once, might as well enjoy every bit.

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